"Outreach" is really just how we live in community with one another, here at Birchcliff Bluffs United Church. We take time to learn how we can support and share with one another and the wider community. We are involved with many aspects of our local neighbourhood as well as the world at large:
Dorothy's Place, LGBTQ2S+ Seniors' Drop-In Centre
Toby's Place, LGBTQ2S+ (and friends & allies) Youth Safe Drop-In Centre
Birchcliff Bluffs Spiritual Care Team
Churches by the Bluffs Food Bank
Birchcliff Bluffs Foster Child
Refugee Co-Sponsorship
United Church Mission and Service Fund
Dorothy's Place, 2SLGBTQ+ Seniors Drop-In Centre
Hours of operation: Mondays, 11:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Dorothy's Place is an exciting ministry serving LGBTQ2S+ seniors in East End Toronto and Scarborough in three ways: Inviting folks to a weekly lunch and social program where delicious food, interesting speakers, and friendly connections will be offered; reaching out to seniors living in the community who would like some friendly visiting, pastoral care, and/or advocacy; and offering educational and entertaining programming to local seniors' residences.
Check out our Dorothy's Place Page.
​Toby's Place, LGBTQ2S+ Youth Safe Drop-In Centre
Hours of operation: Mondays, 3:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Our community service, Toby's Place, is one of the only safe drop-In spaces in Scarborough for youth who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, and Queer, and their friends and allies. This ministry is open weekly and includes an evening meal. It is well known that 40% of our city’s homeless youth come from the LGBTQ community, and BBUC is proud to offer a place where each can find a source for sharing spirit, a meal, and finding professional support.
Check out our Toby's Place Page.